Get your business in front of a whole bunch of dog-loving families!
ScenterBarks, one of there largest daycare and walking providers in Hampshire, are committed to providing the very best care to every dog. If you have this ethos too, then we'd love to offer you the opportunity to promote your doggy business to our ever-expanding customer base and following by becoming a ScenterBarks Preferred supplier.

Come up with a barking mad offer for our customer base. We ask that it is exclusive to us.

Complete the form below with your details and offer so we can consider the opportunity for you.

We'll be in touch for a chin wag and to confirm your place as a parter of ScenterBarks.
Benefits of Partnership
Take advantage of the brand
Your logo and details of your business will be placed on our website for our followers to see.
Social media shout out
We will plug your business, tag and shout out on all our social media on a regular basis.
Blog Links
In our blogs we like to educate, inform, sell and entertain. This will include links to your services and products.
Email Promotions
We are in regular contact with all of our customers, past and present, along with many more following our journey. We will make sure they all know who you are, where they can find you and what you have fantastically been offering them.
Priority at events
You will be given the first opportunity to register at one of our many events with your amazing stalls at a reduced price.
Any Questions
If you do have any questions of course you are very welcome to give us a call on 01962 714283 and we'd be happy to help.