How do I get one of these harnesses for my dog?
You are in the right place! ScenterBarks are a registered stockist of the perfect fit harness for Dog Games Ltd.
The beauty of this harness is the custom fitting which means we can fit to any shape, size or breed.
All you need to do is pop into ScenterBarks reception and we can measure up you pooch.
There are many colours to chose from, we have some colours in stock or we can get what your require in.
Some of the more personal loves of these harnesses from ScenterBarks staff who's dogs wear these daily are:
Nikki says "I wash Stanleys harness all the time & love how it comes up like new & drys super quick"
Emma says "I love how the soft fleece is against Max's body but the strong harnesses are fabulous when we need to keep him safe on road walks"
Lucy says "This harness is great for having Kimi on lead a lot of the time, I can clip the long line to the top D clip or do loose lead walking training using the front D ring also"